Archive for the ‘ Holidays ’ Category

5 Holiday Treats That Are Bad For Your Teeth

Holiday Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth We all know that too much of a good thing can actually be a bad thing, especially when we’re non-stop noshing on those tasty confectionery treats of the Holiday season. In addition to expanding our waistlines, there are a bunch of Holiday foods that are bad for […]

Eat Turkey For A Healthy Smile

Is Turkey Healthy for Our Teeth? Thanksgiving Thursday will surely have us all going back for seconds…and sometimes more. Besides from the expanding effect of our collective waistlines, the foods we eat on Thanksgiving can have a significant impact on the health of our teeth and gums too. Foods like fresh cranberry sauce, fibrous vegetables […]

5 Halloween Treats To Trick the Cavity Creeps

Halloween is a few short days away, kids all over Franklin Township NJ & Somerset County are scrambling to decide what costume they’re going with while parents are busy perfecting their decorations & arranging their best of the block candy selection. Although this is usually a day of sugary sweet candy overload, there are some […]

The Worst Halloween Candy for Your Teeth Is…

What’s The Worst Halloween Candy for Your Teeth? Is there a best Halloween candy for teeth? Basically the worst types of Halloween candy for your teeth are those which are hard, sticky, sweet & sour. That narrows it down doesn’t it? Some of us love the chocolate, others prefer the gummies, but is there a […]

4 Bad Breath Foods to Avoid at Valentine’s Day Dinner

Are Any of These Bad Breath Foods on Your Valentine’s Day Menu? With Valentine’s Day coming up this week, we’d all better make sure we keep these bad breath foods off the dinner menu. Garlic, onions, tuna fish, & some stinky cheeses certainly top the list of bad breath foods, but there are a few […]

4 New Year’s Smile Resolutions

The dawn of a new year brings us a time for change, a chance to take stock of the past 365 days and an opportunity to better ourselves by improving our quality of life. But how many of these New Year’s resolutions actually manage to see the first breath of Spring? Being that this isn’t […]

3 Ways To Avoid The Cavity Creeps During The Holidays

Don’t Neglect Your Smile During the Holidays How hectic is your Holiday schedule? The Holidays are a busy time of year, the malls are more crowded and the streets are jam-packed with traffic. For a lot of us, finding time to fit everything in becomes quite the challenge. With all the shopping, eating, drinking, caroling, […]

5 Delightful Dental Goodies to Enhance Your Holiday Gift Giving

Check out some smile-friendly stocking stuffers…and more. The holidays are here! (Although for some, they’ve been here since July.) This magical season is a time for celebration among loved ones, where we give thanks for our fortunes and exchange gifts to express love and appreciation. But each year can pose a new challenge to give […]

3 Thanksgiving Dinner Items That Will Make You Smile

Thanksgiving is a time for all of us to give thanks, gather with friends & family…and eat ourselves into a turkey-induced slumber. Family, food, & football! Of course those are some reasons why we may love Thanksgiving, but as for our teeth enjoying the day-long display of gluttony, let’s examine some tooth truths. Thanksgiving brings […]

Eat This, Not That Halloween Candy

The Worst Halloween Candy for Your Teeth You know who loves Halloween more than the trick-or-treating tykes tromping around your neighborhood? The cavity creeps! When our kids eat sticky, chewy, sugar-laden candies – and don’t take a break to rinse with some water – it serves up a feast for the cavity creeps. Don’t just […]